Wednesday, July 13, 2016

3 weeks post op - Today is a rough day.

One step forward two steps back it seems sometimes....  I know I'm strong enough to get through this but then other times the road ahead seems so incredibly long and hard.  I wonder when am I ever going to feel myself again.  And all I wanna do is cry... Not sure if it's the pain or hormones but today I'm a mess.  I just wanna be me again.  I just wanna ride my bike again,  enjoy the warm weather in the pool,  exercise with my dear friends,  go on date nights with my husband,  go places with my kids...  I'm so incredibly tired of pain and hurting...

I just have to keep telling myself 👇 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Hot Days of Summer (Day 11 Post Op)

Whew, one more day down.  And one more day closer to not having to wear this brace. I will be so thankful when it comes off for good. But I guess there is no point in thinking about it too much cause I still have a ways to go. 

Today though,  I did get  a brief break from the brace while laying out at a friend's pool while the family had a nice swim... Enjoying the holiday weekend.  

Things have been going steadily with the healing.  I've been able to slowly taper down my pain pills.  So just on one pain pill a day now plus 3x a day I take 2 tylonal.  Can't wait to get off it all! 
Just  a few more days till my post op Dr appt!  Yay! Very curious to get  some questions answered and see how he thinks I'm healing.

In other news.  My husband ripped his bicep in his arm while moving some furnature, so now he has to have surgery too in just a few days. :( We are going to be a funny sight when we are out together. Lol.