Thursday, March 31, 2016

First Injection....

Got a handsome chauffeur to take me to get my ESI shot (epidural steroid injection) in my lower back today. 
I'm so so ready to be out of pain... and get to workout like I want again! Praying this brings relief.

(At this point I had been having pain around the clock, but nighttime and when I first woke up was the worst)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Modify, modify, modify!

What do you do when your back is not well enough to do the regular scheduled WOD? You make up your own. 3 rounds for time.

*Run= 100 m. 
*Box= 20" Box Step ups
*PP= 35# Push Press

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Those who workout together...stay together

Great way to wrap up a fun weekend with this man. First workout together in years. Whew! This was one sweaty workout!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hand rips

Apparently this is a badge of honor and I guess the price I pay for doing 95 pull ups (with a thin band) in the past 2 days.

On the bright side thanks to the encouragement of a couple of my coaches I gave pull-ups without a band a try, and I actually got 2 of them for the first time in my life! ‪#‎goals‬ ‪#‎nevereverquit‬ ‪#‎ouch‬

This is what I live by! 

Monday, March 14, 2016

New Career

Day one at my new career with State Farm is in the books.

(It was at this point that my back started to bother me a bit more and and I was taking pain pills around the clock to keep the pain and bay and try to look normal)